They are…
The unborn, terminally ill, severely disabled, elderly, and embryonic human are all full members of the human family. Our value is grounded in our shared humanity and not in any functional considerations or accidental properties like age, health, or developmental stage.
We are…
As equal members of the human family, we ought to approach any action that will result in the destruction of an innocent human life with the utmost caution and trepidation. No member of our family holds a privileged position of authority to choose life or death for others without the most extreme justifications.
I am…
I am merely human. Large-scale change and restoration comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only God can transform society toward perfect justice. All I can do is argue that all members of the human family ought to be treated with dignity and respect one audience at a time, whether the audience is one person or thousands of people. Those with whom I disagree must be recognized as the image bearers of God, and I must never forget that as much as it is possible for me I am to be at peace with all men.
The End of Roe V Wade
Now that Roe v. Wade was overturned in June [...]
What Attorney Mary Ziegler Gets Wrong About Pro-Life Tactics (Postmodern Realities Podcast)
The New York Times recently published an opinion essay from Mary Zigler, Florida State University law professor and author of “Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present" titled, “Anti-Abortion Groups Once Portrayed Women as Victims. That’s Changing.” Ziegler claims that opponents of legal abortion have gravitated away from offering legislation grounded in arguments framing women as additional victims of abortion.
Blogging the Bible with an Eye Toward Life: Genesis Chapter [...]
Genesis Chapter 2
Blogging the Bible with an Eye Toward Life Genesis Chapter [...]
Blogging the Bible with an Eye Toward Life
A speaker once said he reads through the bible, cover [...]
Arguments About Abortion: Personhood, Morality, and Law
Dr. Kate Greasley is an Associate Professor in Law at [...]
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