About Jay Watts

Jay is a speaker and writer. His focus is on pro-life issues, as well as euthanasia, apologetics, and philosophy.

August 2023

Human Things Season 2 Episode 6 | Interview with Dr. Christopher Tollefsen

By |2024-01-20T22:36:00+00:00August 26th, 2023|Categories: Book Review, Human Things, Interview, Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , |

The Way of Medicine 00:00 Intro 01:50 Joe Versus the Volcano and How God Can Use Crisis to Focus Us   After embarrassingly forgetting that Joe Banks had a brain cloud, this segment focuses on Joe Versus the Volcano and how it offers a wonderful reminder of how God can take someone consumed with [...]

#15 MHT Advocating for Life on Campus

By |2024-01-20T22:36:01+00:00August 8th, 2023|Categories: Human Things, Persuasion, Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , |

Guest is Tina Whittington, Executive VP Students for Life of America 00:01:30 | Episode 5 of Season 2 begins with more of the animal revolution. Elephants are stealing sugar cane, Orcas are attacking sailboat rudders, and now…an otter is stealing paddle boards! A multi-agency effort has been launched by fish and Wildlife to capture [...]

July 2023

#13 Merely Human Things with Dr. Jeff Bilbro

By |2024-01-20T22:36:02+00:00July 10th, 2023|Categories: Human Things, Interview, NEWS, Podcast|

Season 2 Episode 3 Interviewed in this episode is Dr. Jeffrey Bilbro. Bilbro is the associate professor of English at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. Bilbro comes on to talk directly about "Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News". Why is this important for Christians and pro-lifers to understand the [...]

June 2023

#12 Merely Human Things with Dr. C. Ben Mitchell

By |2024-01-20T22:36:03+00:00June 21st, 2023|Categories: Human Things, Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , |

This episode open with consideration of how poor arguments are on the internet. It is difficult to find anything on social media serious enough to discuss. In the future, serious academic arguments will be considered more thoroughly including revisiting bodily autonomy arguments. The second segment sets the stage [...]

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