February 2023

January 2022

Won’t the aborted go straight to heaven, because of the age of accountability?

By |2022-01-03T17:56:47+00:00January 14th, 2022|Categories: Critique, Questions|Tags: , |

Emailed Question: I believe that children who die before the age of accountability will go straight to heaven and spend eternity with God. There can be no greater happiness and no greater 'good' than spending eternity in heaven. After the age of accountability, I believe one must ask forgiveness of sins and accept Jesus Christ [...]

December 2021

Won’t the child be worse off if it’s not terminated?

By |2022-01-03T17:57:29+00:00December 31st, 2021|Categories: Critique, Humanity, Questions|Tags: , , |

Emailed question: Think about the life that a baby will most likely lead if born to a mother who was forced to carry the child to term because abortion was illegal. This mother wanted to kill the child, so isn't there a high likelihood that the unwanted child will suffer neglect and abuse at the hands of [...]

August 2020

Should Pro-lifers Be Pro-Birth Control?

By |2020-08-06T17:33:07+00:00August 6th, 2020|Categories: Critique, Persuasion, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , , |

Should Pro-lifers Be Pro-Birth Control? An objection becoming more and more common in street level discourse surrounding abortion involves the alleged unwillingness of pro-life advocates to promote access to birth control programs intended to lower the rate of unplanned pregnancies, and by extension, the abortion rate. I first came across this objection several years ago [...]

May 2020

The Media’s Dishonest Reporting on Abortion

By |2020-05-07T18:07:10+00:00May 7th, 2020|Categories: Critique, Humanity, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , , , |

When the media reports on the abortion issue, they treat abortion as an essential component of women’s health. They implicitly and explicitly make the claim that people who want to make abortion illegal and harder to access are immoral, anti-woman, anti-health, religious bigots who want to force their subjective views and personal preferences on others. [...]

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