Apple Podcasts | Merely Human Ministries

March 2023

February 2023

December 2022

When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them

By |December 12th, 2022|Categories: Persuasion, Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , |

A young college student recently told me a story. She is in a program filled with classmates who aggressively support abortion. They attack and mock the few peers who dare to voice their opposition to unrestricted legal access to abortion. Last week, they turned their attention to this young woman...

May 2020

Human Things #4 – Arguing and the Airing of Grievances

By |May 5th, 2020|Categories: Human Things, Humanity, Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , |

Why is it important to argue and to argue well? What's the difference in ranting and persuading in an argument. These ideas are laid out here in our fourth Merely Human Things podcast. Merely Human Things is a podcast series exploring what C.S. Lewis said when he stated that he wanted to be found doing human things. That's why we are here. Give it a listen.

April 2020

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