

They are…

The unborn, terminally ill, severely disabled, elderly, and embryonic human are all full members of the human family. Our value is grounded in our shared humanity and not in any functional considerations or accidental properties like age, health, or developmental stage.

We are…

As equal members of the human family, we ought to approach any action that will result in the destruction of an innocent human life with the utmost caution and trepidation. No member of our family holds a privileged position of authority to choose life or death for others without the most extreme justifications.

I am…

I am merely human. Large-scale change and restoration comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only God can transform society toward perfect justice. All I can do is argue that all members of the human family ought to be treated with dignity and respect one audience at a time, whether the audience is one person or thousands of people. Those with whom I disagree must be recognized as the image bearers of God, and I must never forget that as much as it is possible for me I am to be at peace with all men.

Jay Watts speaking at the Pro-Life Summit.

Alyssa Milano’s Cynical Ploy

By |May 11th, 2019|Categories: NEWS, Podcast, PRO LIFE|

Alyssa Milano, the actress who now wishes to be known primarily as an activist for progressive values, recently Tweeted the following: “Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy. JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on.”

Chris Cuomo is Not Even Trying

By |May 9th, 2019|Categories: Critique, Podcast, PRO LIFE|

Chris Cuomo responding to criticism from a pro-choice gynecologist calling his choice of panelist to discuss abortion on his show “disingenuous” tweeted the following:“…but this is about politics mostly – and the pro-life position is more about faith and feeling than fact.” How exactly did Cuomo come to believe that?


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