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November 2019

A Response to The Dishonesty of the Abortion Debate

By |2019-11-18T14:35:10+00:00November 18th, 2019|Categories: Critique, Humanity, Persuasion, PRO LIFE|Tags: , |

Two days ago, I read Caitlin Flanagan’s piece at The Atlantic, The Dishonesty of the Abortion Debate. My immediate response was to write and record a Merely Human Moment (See those here) short podcast quickly addressing a couple of points. Then I held up. Flanagan’s article is well written. It plays some familiar notes but [...]

Potential Persons or Potential Problems?

By |2019-11-14T20:52:29+00:00November 14th, 2019|Categories: Critique, Humanity, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , , , , |

Does recognizing such an obligation in the context of pregnancy involve treating women as incubators or ‘fetal containers’? Surely not: If I am a pregnant woman, it is no more treating me as an incubator to expect me to respect my baby’s body and allow it to remain within my own than it is treating the baby’s father as a cradle to expect him to avoid violent, reckless or negligent treatment of the baby after birth. At least until such time as other carers can take over, it is reasonable to expect those supporting a child to continue to do so, and in any case, to avoid deliberate harm and/or harmful bodily incursions on the child.

The Myth of Neutrality On Abortion Law

By |2019-11-08T23:02:26+00:00November 8th, 2019|Categories: Humanity, Laws, PRO LIFE, Worldview|Tags: , |

Transcript In the movie Highlander we are told in the battle of immortals there can be only one. One will survive, and all other competitors will die. I was reminded of this when reading how U.S. District Judge Paul Englemeyer ruled that it is unconstitutional and coercive for the Trump administration to protect the conscience [...]

October 2019

Control and Respect?

By |2019-11-08T22:55:26+00:00October 30th, 2019|Categories: Critique, Podcast, PRO LIFE|

 Transcript During a Q&A, a young woman stood up and said, “It seems you just want to control women’s bodies. You want control of women’s reproductive choices.” I hear this objection often, including from people lobbing it from a distance. The dichotomy offered is that one side represents freedom and choice while the other [...]

September 2019

Forcing our Religion?

By |2019-09-08T17:57:27+00:00September 8th, 2019|Categories: Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , , , , , |

Transcript AJ+, Al Jazeera’s flashy face aimed at youth, recently produced a podcast episode of NewsBroke with Francesca Fiorentini making the claim, among others, that American evangelical Christians are attempting to force their religion on the country violating the establishment of religion clause of the First Amendment and the spirit of Jefferson’s desire for a [...]

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