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August 2019

Acorns and Embryos

By |2019-08-28T18:58:53+00:00August 28th, 2019|Categories: Humanity, Podcast, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , , , |

TRANSCRIPT Occasionally someone confronts me after a talk with this comment, “The embryo and fetus are not human beings anymore than an acorn is an oak tree.” I even recently saw a form of this claim while studying academic pro-choice authors. The statement often accompanies a stunned disbelief that this basic fact eludes pro-life advocates. [...]

Merely Pro-Life or Merely Pro-Birth?

By |2019-08-14T16:53:06+00:00August 14th, 2019|Categories: Critique, Humanity, PRO LIFE|Tags: , , , , |

Over the past several years as political tensions and sloganeering have escalated in the culture and on social media, a revived version of the “seamless garment” argument for abortion has been leveled at pro-life advocates. Critics will assert that pro-life advocates are hypocrites at best and deceivers at worst because of their exclusive focus on [...]

July 2019


By |2019-07-27T00:22:33+00:00July 26th, 2019|Categories: Humanity, Podcast, PRO LIFE, Science|Tags: , |

TRANSCRIPT During a recent Q&A, a young woman asked me, “How do you respond to the argument that the world already faces an overpopulation problem? If abortion is made illegal won’t it only get worse?” I actually hear this question a lot. At one particular high school I stayed after my presentation for two days [...]

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