January 2020

A Woman’s Response to “Men Can’t Talk About Abortion”

By |2021-04-14T01:04:46+00:00January 13th, 2020|Categories: Critique, PRO LIFE, Worldview|Tags: |

Abortion advocates repeatedly make the claim that men can’t talk about abortion. During my many pro-life outreaches on college campuses, men have been told to mind their own business and to shut up because they can’t get pregnant. This charge is primarily made to pro-life men. Men have also confided in me they don’t believe [...]

Are Pro-Lifers Who Own Guns Hypocrites?

By |2020-01-13T15:48:49+00:00January 13th, 2020|Categories: PRO LIFE, Worldview|Tags: , |

Another assertion has become commonplace in discussions of abortion. Pro-lifers who own firearms, or support military actions abroad are misled at best, and at worst, hypocrites. The critic assumes that any inconsistently held pro-life beliefs are evidence pro-lifers aren't actually motivated by a desire to protect human life, but rather a desire to control women's [...]

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