They are…
The unborn, terminally ill, severely disabled, elderly, and embryonic human are all full members of the human family. Our value is grounded in our shared humanity and not in any functional considerations or accidental properties like age, health, or developmental stage.
We are…
As equal members of the human family, we ought to approach any action that will result in the destruction of an innocent human life with the utmost caution and trepidation. No member of our family holds a privileged position of authority to choose life or death for others without the most extreme justifications.
I am…
I am merely human. Large-scale change and restoration comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only God can transform society toward perfect justice. All I can do is argue that all members of the human family ought to be treated with dignity and respect one audience at a time, whether the audience is one person or thousands of people. Those with whom I disagree must be recognized as the image bearers of God, and I must never forget that as much as it is possible for me I am to be at peace with all men.
Snopes Problematically Labels Abortion Statistic Claim Problematic
It isn’t that the statistical claims are wrong. No, it is that the claim that abortion is a cause of death is, wait for the current progressive buzzword, a “problematic pronouncement.” Why is it problematic to refer to abortion as a cause of death?
Scrooge and the Pro-Choice Christian
Originally posted at LTI Blog in 2012 This post is [...]
Me Before You’s Strange View of Love and Weak Defense of Assisted Suicide
This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal. SYNOPSIS [...]
Death with Dignity and the Imago Dei
This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume [...]
Rape and Sexual Violence on Campus
Rape and sexual violence on college campuses in the United States is one of the dominant issues being fought over in the culture today. It can be difficult to sort through the competing narratives and vitriol surrounding the issue to find a Christian response...
On Chimeras and What It Means to Be Human
The National Institutes of Health recently opened the possibility of federal funding for chimera research, the genetic mixing of human and nonhuman animals. An immediate response from both professional pundits and the general public expressed profound discomfort with this idea. The rapidly advancing field...
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