April 2022

Genesis Chapter 2

By |2022-04-04T16:42:35+00:00April 4th, 2022|Categories: The Bible, Worldview|Tags: |

Blogging the Bible with an Eye Toward Life Genesis Chapter 2 Leon Kass, in The Beginning of Wisdom, pointed out something about Genesis Chapter 1. It demystifies existence.1 We are prone to worship the creation, whether pantheists or animists. The created order fascinates us. And why not? Nature’s beauty and majesty overwhelm the senses while [...]

March 2022

Blogging the Bible with an Eye Toward Life

By |2022-03-23T21:51:42+00:00March 23rd, 2022|Categories: The Bible, Worldview|Tags: |

A speaker once said he reads through the bible, cover to cover, multiple times a year. Each time he reflects on a different point of emphasis. One read through he looks for the grace of God in every book. The next, he looks for the justice of God and another the long-suffering nature of God. [...]

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