Controversial Abortion Laws


Controversial Abortion Laws Examining Restrictions and Comparisons Jay discusses a false dilemma that is common among abortion advocates. From Episode #24 Arizona Laws and John Oliver:

Lost in Time


A Terrifying Dream of My Past and Future Don't hate your life! We have hope in the future... Taken from Season 3, Episode 3! Watch Here:

The Definition of a Child


The Definition of a Child The Definition of a child is your progeny from conception to birth. That's what you are talking about when we are talking about our offspring. Taken from Season 3, Episode 2! Watch Here:

Leave Those Kids Alone


Leave Those Kids Alone What about brain development and justification for early termination? If you leave the fetus alone, it will develop under normal circumstances. Jay talks about the specifics of this argument and how fallacious it actually is. Original episode is here!

Responding To Pink


Responding To Pink...and celebrities in general From Episode 3, Jay shared his response to pro-abortion celebrities insisting pro-life individuals not listen to their music or watch their movies. No.

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